


(the butterfly it's too perfect to have been made by me)

Today, in the church where I am, my union (UCA and UJB) together with many other unions, we made a little market (for 2 days 27-28) to raise/collect money for childrens in Africa learn more!

We sell things that we made! Like a: little dolls, decoreted soap, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, t-shirts, portfolios, bags, markers, mobile decorations... So many things! All are cute! (see in the pictures-> some things that me made)

I'm very pleased to have done this! ^_^


Death Note: L change the WorLd

I know, this film isn't a new....

But I only had opportunity watch this film last night. (I slept very late) And in the end of the film, I cry! T_T


I don't know why... But I think it's because the L had only 23 days of life, he shows in the film that he always had some feelings, and always thinks in the other...
And you? What is your comment about this film? Do you cry?



Koukou Debut manga

I'm reading too, the Koukou Debut (by Kazune Kawahara) manga, it's so funny! Make me always laugh and make me jump (don't ask why, because-> I don't no) ha ha ha

My favourit character is Yoh Komiyama, he is the guy with dark hair (in image). He's very... interesting! xD

Recommend! ^_^



Did you saw anything about The Invisible Wall??????

Yes, I saw it, and I go be crazy if I not see whole videoclip! (because, now, it's a preview...)

So... Which means The Invisible Wall?


A NEW PV OF THE GAZETTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Click to view! to see a little this awesome song!
I can't wait!


Kimi Ga Suki

I'm reading KIMI GA SUKI manga, it's amazing manga, so sweet and captivanting, have a good design and isn't stressful, but yes, is addictive! It was my friend, that suggested for read. (arigatou Elisabete-chan)

I can't stop read!

It's a comedy, romance, school life, well it's Shoujo.

It's about a girl call Aki, has always liked her basketball club friend, Mase. But she can't seem to gather her courage to confess to him. On the day when she finally decides to tell him, she is confessed to by a guy from a different school! A horrible accident follows and Aki finds herself not being able to choose between the two – Mase, whom she truly loves, or Koichi, whom she'll always feel indebted to…

Now, I'm reading number 5...


Photos by Me

Negative bear xD (back of the bear, have work done by my friends)

My sky, with clouds left by the plane...

My little place, my window...

Books, my love-> read (and my notebooks with storys that I wrote)


Today, I went to the school, only to have Math (90 mnts), and when I arrived, NO CLASSES- NO NOTHING! I was happy, but it was frustrantig, because I walk all that way, and in the end I didn't have nothing!

''But why I haven't classes? <- thought.

So I confirmed in the diary-school, and there was written: ''will be lessons of Math and Portuguese - 15th June.''




Notícia mais drástica que esta, não há...

Tipo, estava a fazer umas pesquisas sobre o Japão (sempre o faço), e fiquei chocada (mais para o ridicularizada) com uma notícia que saiu nos jornais japoneses, em ponto grande, central e em destaque.
A notícia foi introduzida de tal maneira dramática que resolvi 'ler' com mais curiosidade do que já tinha.
Vá podia ter falecido um famoso (de preferencia japonês), ou um prédio muito importante foi a baixo, um navio explodiu... Mas....
A notícia dizia:
''Duas crianças brincavam no baloiço feito de pneu, numa praça, e uma das cordas que segurava o pneu arrebentou e as crianças cairam para o chão!''

Fiquei tipo: O.O'

Mas é que foi somente isso que aconteceu! Ninguém morreu, nenhum prédio foi a baixo, nem navio nenhum explodiu!
Ok, vá lá, que uma das crianças magoou-se, mas não morreu, e nem se quer deve ter levado pontos...

Se não há notícia para dar, vai em branco! Não precisa-se de invetar, ainda mais por algo tão... tão... 'dramático'?

O pior é que escrevem no jornal de maneira, a ponto de fazer-me rir e chorar de rir:
''A criança, depois de perder o equilíbrio, caiu de uma altura de cerca de 80 cm (se fosse em metros... vá lá...!) e se feriu levemente depois de bater a cabeça no chão - minha teoria->(de terra).''

Sem dizer que a polícia esta a investigar o 'porquê' da corda soltar-se! (imagina se fosse todas a cordas do baloiço! LOL)

''Está proibida a utilização do baloiço, enquanto o caso não for descoberto.'' (pelo amor de divas! Foi só uma corda!)

E por fim, acho que isso tudo leva o Japão ficar chocado... Enquanto eu rio-me!


Amor em Português ao meu ver

O mundo é da cor que a gente quiser...
Pode ser colorido quanto puder, pode-se falar nas linguas que souber, pode-se pintar e sonhar o quanto quiser e buscar alcançar até onde puder...

Mas, existe uma linguagem que não mudará nunca e que todos deveriam viver.

Pode ser falado em todas as linguas, por todas as raças e em todo o lugar!

Viva a linguagem do Amor, amor amigo, amor antigo, amor àgape, amor em todas as cantigas.

No olhar do velho, no olhar do menino, nas ruelas antigas, nas janelas...

Na flor do jardim, na vidraça, no nevoeiro e na neve

No sol da lua a noite que brilha e diz ao pé do ouvido só para ela escutar...

Tudo que vem a cabeça, sem medo de se enganar, sem engasgar...

Viva o Amor, todos amam e fazem muito bem! Espera amor amigo, o mais antigo... :D
PS: Este texto é pra minha prima Karolis, que vive amando... ;)



I'm in 14th episode of the Special A, I can't stop to see the anime!

My fovourit character is Tsuji Ryuu - photo(from the start he is very stupid but... in 12 epi, I think, he's much better), he is the friend that I awlays wanted :P, I think it's a little hard to find someone, friendly, gracious, gentle, sweet, 'pleasant', and bla bla bla... like him xD

My favourit opening is the 2nd opening, the 1st it's very annoying (the girl who sings has 'urrgh-strident' voice) sorry for the people who like the 1st...

The story it's very addictive (for me I think is), I watch 3/4 episodes for day :S And I want to see more!!!


Other anime...


I finished to see Itazura na Kiss, was sooooo cute! (^.^)o

In the end, has 25 epis! And one OVA.

Now, I'm watching: Special A...

In the start, I didn't like, really. But in the 3rd episode, began to get interesting.

It's about...

WelI don't like talk about the animes that I'm watching, because loses the all 'funny' for who want see the anime!

Has 24 or 25 episodes (I think).

Enjoy it!



I'm watching this anime: 'Itazura na Kiss'!

This anime is a comedy-romance... I like! It's very simple and funny to understand!

Talk about one girl, who is the worst student, and falls in love for a boy- the best student of the school...

You are seeing how it will be -_-'...

Well the ditails (save), it's cool to see the anime, when you don't know what will happen!

Have 24 episodes.

Ja nê! ^_~


Takeru in film: Beat Rock!

I want seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't had opportunity to see, yet!
It seems interesting...

Mainly because:
Starring: Takeru ( SuG- is the 4th from the left), Kiriyama Renn, Hirofumi Araki, Ookawa Genki and Ono Kento.

Nothing special...

I woke up with the music in my head: 'Aitakute' by Ayabie mixed with 'NOAH' by The Kiddie :S

Nothing normal... But nothing much unnatural xD

Recently I feel good, I think is because the season-> Summer. Put me more prepared for a new day...

A little tired because it's end of classes, but my personality don't let me go to bottom!

I always do something for put me busy:

-write and listen to music,

-shooting photos (mainly when I see one single image, but very 'impressive', of corse),

-search curiositis of my interest,

-draw something...

After one week, i have to leave to do this, and study for nationals exames T_T



''We have to make sweet desserts''

I asked for me: 'exist salted desserts?' ^.º?

''We have a kind of music here on earth..."

I answered: And on Mars exist other types... >_<

These small thing make me always laugh! xD