

Ha! ha! ha! (funny things)

Me and one of my bests freinds-> ''Pulga'' (in portuguese) or ''Hopper'' (it's her nickname xD)
We are reading the Kouku Debut manga together in same time (well now, I'm in 28 chap and she ... ?? I don't know :S)

So we're always talking aloud together: "We want one Komiyama Yoh in real life!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!" (>o<)/
Yes, he's amazing character! *.* And we make a sad figures! T_T

And to our friends, who don't know what is manga, ask us: ''Is this a new version of Ne-yo?'' or "Who is that guy?"
And to oblige them to know who is, we reply: "Read Koukou Debut!!"
So, we can put them start to like to read manga! Who knows? ^^ (one of them, thought about starting to read Koukou Debut manga, YAY!) ^o^

Hi5 eliminated

A long time I wanted to eliminate my hi5, because there, I lost completely my privacity!
At first, it seemed cool, but began to be a little -> Everybody knew what I had done, where and why!
This made me get tired! So, I eliminated my Hi5, and I'm very happy for have done it.
From now I only have this blog, my favourit space! ^_^

So Hi5, for me, now is history...