

We're dreaming our future!

I know it's a bit stupid ... But dreaming isn't forbidden!
Recently I was talking to one of my best friends about our future life in about 3 or 4 years...
We want go to Japan! (this isn't a new)
Rent a small apartment 'kawaii'~! (in Chiba) For a one year??? Depend of us...

We, already, have a list of what we want to do there (nippon ^o^):
- Shopping in Shibuya (nails, clothes, hair, accessorises, etc.)

- Hug a 'free-hugs' in Harajuku (take a lot of pictures)

- Buy manga, CD's and video games in Akihabara (Alice Nine, The GazettE, SuG, etc)

- Stroll the streets of Osaka ( buy-> anything)

- Climb mount Fuji

- Floor bullet train (tokyo-> kyoto)

- A picnic under the sakura's (*_* I can't wait for this moment)

- Kyoto to see the temples (of course!)

- ....

We don't know if this will happen when we want.... But isn't impossible!
We have all hopes!!! :P
Let's fight for them!!!! Fightô ôh! xD

Can we do all this??? In one year?