

I want....

I want these headphones: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
When I saw them, I love it!
But I'm not sure if it's safe->shop online...

And I want cute my hair like that:
It's simple, but it's cute ^^

Myopia ___ glasses

I am wearing glasses -_-'

(my glasses)

But only when I want to see for the blackboard ... at cinema and to watch TV (but I don't like TV very much)
Everybody says: "Awh! You look so cute when you wear glasses!" or "WOW! You look older and very pretty!" 

Well, I think it's funny, but with braces-> NO!
I'm gonna take off the braces in June, so I'm looking forward for it! >.<
After June I can smile!!!! Yay!

I think both will make much difference in my life (face) :P