We are reading the Kouku Debut manga together in same time (well now, I'm in 28 chap and she ... ?? I don't know :S)
So we're always talking aloud together: "We want one Komiyama Yoh in real life!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!" (>o<)/

And to our friends, who don't know what is manga, ask us: ''Is this a new version of Ne-yo?'' or "Who is that guy?"
And to oblige them to know who is, we reply: "Read Koukou Debut!!"

Oh that's great! To get people to read manga, I do that with my japanese and korean music XD I always send my friends japanese and korean songs, and they like some of it ^_^
ResponderEliminarYeah! You had a good idea! I think that I will go to start to do the same thing... ^v^
ResponderEliminarwell... But my friends are very persistents -.-'
ResponderEliminarlool eu também faço isso com os meus amigos...quer dizer normalmente não me dou ao trabalho, mas quando são amigos mais próximos digo para eles verem...
ResponderEliminarkoukou debut é uns dos meus shoujos favoritos!! muito comico e romantico lool
w obrigada por teres lido os 3 post...lool estavam compridos ne? xP