

I want....

I want these headphones: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
When I saw them, I love it!
But I'm not sure if it's safe->shop online...

And I want cute my hair like that:
It's simple, but it's cute ^^

Myopia ___ glasses

I am wearing glasses -_-'

(my glasses)

But only when I want to see for the blackboard ... at cinema and to watch TV (but I don't like TV very much)
Everybody says: "Awh! You look so cute when you wear glasses!" or "WOW! You look older and very pretty!" 

Well, I think it's funny, but with braces-> NO!
I'm gonna take off the braces in June, so I'm looking forward for it! >.<
After June I can smile!!!! Yay!

I think both will make much difference in my life (face) :P


Questions About Music

Favorite song?
R: Bingeul Bingeul by U-kiss. Innocence by Alice Nine. BANG by After School. Leila by The GazettE
Favorite Musical Genre?
R: K.Pop and J.rock

Favorite Band?
R: SHINee, U-kiss, Alice Nine, LM.C... (cont-> profile)

Favorite solo artist?
R: Colbie Caillat

Favorite instrument?
R: Guitar, bass...

About Your Music

What instruments can you play?
R: Guitar and flute.

Can you sing?
R: Of course! I think that everybody can sing ^_^

Are you in a band?
R: Yes ^^

Do you write songs?
R: sometimes...

If so about what?
R: ...-_-'...

Your Music Currently

What was the last song you listened to?
R: Waterfall by Alice Nine... hum... No! Love is Fire by Kara??? (I guess-..?)
What was the last cd you bought?
R: :S

What was the last song you put on your ipod?
R: Don't Stop, Can't Stop by 2PM.

What was the last song you heard on the radio?
R: I duno... -.-

Extra stuff for Fun
What was the first cd you bought?
R: I can't remember...

What is your favorite musical?
R: I don't like-> musical.

What is your favorite theme song from a TV show?
R: TV??? I haven't time to watch TV!

What song describes you?
R: My friends-> told me: GEE!!!!!!!! -_-' (is it bad? o_O or not?)

What song describes you and your best friend?
R: Hum... Soar by The Kiddie. ^^


AAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm alive!

Finally.... HELLO!!!!!!!
I Miss you guys... so much!!!! *.*
Sorry, but I had to ''disappear'' because I was really busy! I'm not kidding! And I'm still really really busy. So today is my ''lucky day'' (because I hadn't homeworks and things like that).

What Am I doing?
-Watching Hello Baby (with SHINee-> SOOOOO FUNNY)
-Watching Idol Raising (I want the ep 2!!!! >.<)
-Watching U-Kiss' Vampire (they are really funny! *KISEOP-A*) I'm A too (blood type)
-Watched BOF (F4 *_* But I wished Ji HooXJan Di)
-Watched You're Beautiful (Jeremy >-<)
-My little sister-> learning korean really fast

I want listen J.ROCK!!!!! Someone help me choose a music?

But now I can only write on weekends... (sorry) m(_ _)m

PS:(today) I went to take vaccine. Itai!

Mary-Claire: My little sister told me that you wrote in her blog ^_^

My english :P